2013-14 Campus Updates - A Letter from Todd Litton

Dear Citizen Schools Texas Friend,

Thank you so much for your interest in our work. We are excited that with the growing support of the Houston community we have been able to expand our efforts and serve significantly more 6th grade middle schoolers in Houston’s schools. With the support of Houston ISD and Hess Corporation’s innovative LEAP initiative (Learn, Engage, Advance, Persevere), Citizen Schools is proud to provide academic support and hands-on, apprenticeship experiences to students in the East End’s Edison and Jackson Middle Schools.

And we continue to grow our efforts at Patrick Henry Middle School, where we serve every 6th grade student in partnership with the school, and Fondren Middle School, where we have grown our efforts from 60 students receiving our apprenticeships to 100 students receiving full academic support and apprenticeships in partnership with the school.

We invite you to visit any of our campuses to see our students in action. When you see a class full of 11-year-olds being inspired and educated by our volunteers and staff at 5:00 in the afternoon, you truly get an understanding of how adding more relevant time and bringing in more talented adults can significantly impact our students’ beliefs in what they can achieve and how their education and effort can get them there.


Todd C. Litton Executive Director, Citizen Schools Texas

Chris Harris